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Beds & Mattresses

Your bedroom is by far and away the most important room in your home. It’s where you recharge overnight, and where you start your day in the morning. It is important that you spend that time in surroundings designed to relax you.

At Horton Furniture, we know how to make sure that your bedrooms represent comfortable and soothing environments for you and your family. Not only do we offer some of the most luxuriant mattresses on the market, we also offer beds, headboards, nightstands, dressers, and wardrobes to match.

bedroom set

Wake Up Feeling Refreshed

When you sleep on one of the premium mattresses offered at Horton Furniture, you’ll get some of the best sleep you’ll ever have. When you wake up – refreshed and relaxed – you’ll be greeted by a sumptuous environment that perfectly reflects your unique personality. With everything in its proper place, you’ll be able to launch yourself into your day with all the motivation you need to succeed.

Bedroom Furniture Brands We Carry

Contemporary & Classic Furniture in Dudley, MA