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Welcome to Horton Furniture

Living Room Furniture

Welcome to Horton Furniture

Bedroom Furniture

Welcome to Horton Furniture

Living Room Furniture

Furniture Shopping in Dudley, MA

At Horton Furniture, we aim to completely redesign the experience of furniture shopping. Tell our staff what you want, and we’ll show you around the store to find the perfect piece. While you are here, you can outfit your entire home – from your living room to your bedroom to your office. We even carry mattresses, carpets and hardwood floors! Once you’ve found what you’re looking for, the next step is even more convenient. Our FREE delivery, financing, and furniture removal services make it easy for you to make your entire house into a dream home that perfectly suits your taste.

Horton Furniture

53 Schofield Ave
Dudley, MA 01571


Hours of Operation
Weekdays 9 – 5
Saturday 9 – 4
Closed Sunday

Financing Options & Plans:

Online Consumer Application:

Payment Link:

53 Schofield Ave, Dudley, MA 01571, USA